The 11th Annual World Congress of Neurotalk-2020
★ Program Layout

The 11th Annual World Congress of




Theme: Lifting Towards a New Horizon of Neuroscience

Time: December 2-4, 2020




Preliminary Program

Program Streams (Please click each Stream for detailed program information)


Stream 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum
Stream 2: Parallel Forums Stream 3: International Conference on Pain
Stream 4: International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology Stream 5: Young Scientist Forum
Stream 6: Posters and Exhibition Stream 7: Social and Cultural Activities


Stream 6: Posters and Exhibition
Zone 1: Basic Research of Neuroscience
Zone 2: Technology and Methodology Development
Zone 3: Frontiers of Medical and Clinical Neurosciences
Zone 4: New Product Launch Pavilion
Zone 5: New Breakthroughs in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Zone 6: Next Generation Affiliated Medical Devices and Reagents

Hosting Organization
National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)
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