Program of PepCon-2019
Time: June14-16, 2019
Venue: Lake View Hotel (LVH), Beijing, China
Registration |
Time: 08:30-22:00, June 13, 2019 (Thursday) ; Place:3rd Floor, LVH |
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum
Opening Ceremony |
Time: 09:00-09:15, June 14, 2019 (Friday); Place: Room No.702, 7thFloor, LVH |
Keynote Forum |
Time: 09:15-12:20, June 14, 2019 (Friday); Place: Room No.702 , 7th Floor, LVH |
Moderator |
Dr. Youhe Gao, Professor, Beijing Normal University, China |
09:15-09:20 |
Chair’s Introduction |
09:20-09:50 |
Title: How a Single Gene Determines Body Handedness from the Early Developmental Stage Dr. Reiko Kuroda, Professor, Chubu University, Japan |
09:50-10:20 |
Title: Protein & Peptide Drug Discovery beyond the Omics Age Dr. Jenny Yang, Vice President, Novo Nordisk Research Centre, China |
10:20-10:50 |
Title: Role of Carbonyl Reductase 1 in Human Cancers Dr. Sung Soo Kim, Professor, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Korea Member of National Academy of Medicine, Korea President of Korean Society of Biochemstry and Molecular Biology |
10:50-11:20 |
Title: Lipoprotein Lipase and Triglyceride Metabolism Dr. MuthuMeiyappan, Director, Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Ltd, USA |
11:20-11:50 |
Title: Impact of Proteins on Electrical Communication and Memory Processes of Our Neural System and Brain Functions Dr. Shengyong Xu, Professor, Department of Electronics, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, China |
11:50-12:20 |
Title: Bacillus Subtilis: A Novel Endotoxin-free Microbial Recombinant Protein Expression System Dr. Sen Yang, Senior Scientist , Protein, GenScript Biotech Corp., China |
Track 1: Frontiers in Protein/Proteomics Research
Track 1: Frontiers in Protein/Proteomics Research |
Time: 13:30-17:35, June 14, 2019 (Friday); Place: Room No. 302 , 3rdFloor, LVH |
Chair |
Dr. Xin Wen, Professor, California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
Co-Chair |
Dr. Afaf Kamal-Eldin, Professor, United Arab Emirates University, UAE |
13:30-13:35 |
Chair’s Introduction |
13:35-14:00 |
Title: Roles for Antifreeze Proteins in Stabilizing Formulations Dr. Xin Wen, Professor, California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
14:00-14:25 |
Title: Modeling Protein-Peptide Interactions Using CABS-dock Toolbox Dr. Sebastian Kmiecik, AssociateProfessor, University of Warsaw, Poland |
14:25-14:50 |
Title: Multimeric Structure and Chaperon Activity of Hsp60 Dr. Pier Luigi San Biagio, Director, Consiglio Nazionaledelle Ricerche (CNR), Italy |
Title: Construct Cyan Fluorescence by De Novo Tripeptides: An In Vitro Mutation Study on the Role of Single Amino Acid Residues and Their Sequence Dr. Feng Zhang, Professor, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China |
15:15-15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30-15:55 |
Title:TBD Dr. Huba Istvan Kalas,Professor, SemmelweisEgyetem,Hungary |
15:55-16:20 |
Title: Camel Milk and Diabetes Dr. Afaf Kamal-Eldin, Professor, United Arab Emirates University, UAE |
16:20-16:45 |
Title: Mechanistic Insights into Autism-associated SALM/LAR-RPTP Signaling Dr. Heli Liu, Principal Investigator, Peking University Health Science Center, China |
16:45-17:10 |
Title: Extracellular Vesicles as Complex Model Systems for Increased Understanding on Structure and Function of Membrane Active Proteins and Peptides Dr. TamasBeke-Somfai, Group Leader, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry Research Centre for Natural Sciences (RCNS), Hungary |
17:10-17:35 |
Title: Development of a Fluorescence Protein-based Reporter Assay for Quantitative Detection of Sporulation in Clostridium Perfringens SM101 Dr. Yuki Wakabayashi, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan |
17:35-18:00 |
Speech Opportunity Available |
Track 2: Proteins in Health and Disease
Track 2: Proteins in Health and Disease |
Time: 08:30-12:10, June 15, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room No.302, 3rdFloor,LVH |
Chair |
Dr. YouheGao, Professor,Beijing Normal University, China |
Co-Chair |
Dr. YanDong Wang, Professor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China |
08:30-08:35 |
Chair’s Introduction |
08:35-09:00 |
Title: The Bile Acid Receptors in Cancer Dr. YanDong Wang, Professor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China |
09:00-09:25 |
Title:PCNA and JNK1-Stat3 Pathways Respectively Promotes and Inhibits Diabetes-associated Centrosome Amplification by Targeting at the ROCK1/14-3-3σ Complex in Human Colon Cancer HCT116 Cells Dr. Shao Chin Lee, Chair and Professor, Jiangsu Normal University, China |
09:25-09:50 |
Title: TBD Dr. Zhaoyu Li, Senior Associate Consultant, Mayo Clinic, USA |
09:50-10:15 |
Title: The Study on Protein Microarray for Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Biomarkers Dr. Aiying Zhang, Professor, Capital Medical University, China |
10:15-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30-10:55 |
Title:Urine - the Next Generation Biomarker Source Dr. YouheGao, Professor, Beijing Normal University, China |
10:55-11:20 |
Title: Reference Ranges of IGF-1, an Example How to Establish Reference Ranges of Age and Gender Dependent Biomarker Dr. RadekKucera,Vice Head, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Czech Republic |
11:20-11:45 |
Title: Chasing the not so Elusive Histidine Phosphorylation and Their Signaling in Neuroblastoma Dr. Kevin Adam, Research Associate, Salk Institutefor Biological Studies, USA |
11:45-12:10 |
Title: Common Molecular Mechanism of the Hepatic Lesion and the Cardiac Parasympathetic Regulation in Chronic Hepatitis C Infection: a Critical Role for the Muscarinic Receptor Type 3 Dr.Tijana Bojic, Associate Research Professor,University of Belgrade, Serbia |
Track 3: Protein, Proteomics, Peptides and Drug Discovery
Track 3: Protein, Proteomics, Peptides and Drug Discovery |
Time: 13:30-18:00, June 15, 2019 (Saturday); Place: Room No302 , 3rdFloor,LVH |
Chair |
Dr. Qiu-Yu Wang, Professor, Liaoning University, China |
Co-Chair |
Dr. Xin Ge, Associate Professor, University of California Riverside, USA |
13:30-13:35 |
Chair’s Introduction |
13:35-14:00 |
Title: Solnatide - a Promising Peptide for the Treatment of High Altitude Pulmonary Oedema in China Dr. Bernhard Fischer, CEO, APEPTICO, Austria |
14:00-14:25 |
Title: Potential Medicinal AWRK6, A Synthetic Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from the Skin of Rana Dybowskii Dr. Qiu-Yu Wang, Professor, Liaoning University, China |
14:25-14:50 |
Title: Hyaluronic Acid as Alternative Carrier in Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis Dr. Sergej Karel, Researcher, Contipro a. s., Czech Republic |
14:50-15:15 |
Title: PTM-Invariant Peptide Identification Using Coding Method Dr. Weichuan Yu, Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong , China |
15:15-15:30 |
Coffee Break |
15:30-15:55 |
Title: Discovery Engineering and Evaluation of Protease Inhibitory mAbs Dr. Xin Ge, Associate Professor, University of California Riverside, USA |
15:55-16:20 |
Title: Bioactive Peptides and Healthy Aging Dr. Meihong Xu, Lecturer, Peking University, China |
16:20-16:45 |
Title: A Novel Hybrid Peptide and Its Role in Ameliorating Intestinal Inflammation Dr. Xubiao Wei, China Agricultural University, China |
16:45-17:10 |
Title:Expression and Purification of Hybrid LL-37Tα1 Peptide in Pichiapastoris and Evaluation of Their Immunomodulatory and Anti-inflammatory Activities by LPS Neutralization Dr. Baseer Ahmad, China Agriculture University, China |
17:10-17:35 |
Title: Heterologous Expression and Purification of Bioactive Plantaricin EF from Lactobacillus Plantarum Dr. Zhongxuan Li, China Agricultural University, China |
17:35-18:00 |
Title: Design of Hybrid Peptides with Enhanced Antibacterial Activities Dr. Lulu Zhang, China Agricultural University, China |
Track 4: Advances in Protein Engineering
Track 4: Advances in Protein Engineering |
Time: 08:30-11:45, June 16, 2019 (Sunday); Place: Room No.302, 3rdFloor, LVH |
Chair |
Dr. Gerardo M Castillo, Vice President, PharmaIN Corporation, USA |
Co-Chair |
Dr. Blamey M. Jenny, Scientific Director, FundaciónBiociencia, Chile |
08:30-08:35 |
Chair’s Introduction |
08:35-09:00 |
Title: Extending Residence Time and Stability of Peptides by Protected Graft Copolymer (PGC) Excipient: Examples Dr. Gerardo M Castillo, Vice President, PharmaIN Corporation, USA |
09:00-09:25 |
Title: Extremophiles and Their Enzymes: Alternatives for Industrial Biocatalysis Dr. Blamey M. Jenny, Scientific Director, Fundación Biociencia, Chile |
09:25-09:50 |
Title: Structural Investigation of Eya2 Phosphatase in Complex with an Allosteric Inhibitor Dr. Congbao Kang, Group Head, Experimental Drug Discovery Centre (EDDC), A*STAR, Singapore |
09:50-10:15 |
Title: TBD Dr.Kornelia Zsofia Demeterne Tekes, Professor, Semmelweis Egyetem, Hungary |
10:15-10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30-10:55 |
Title: In Vitro Synthesis of Natural Rubber and Its Derivatives by Enzymes Introduced into Rubber Particles Dr.Satoshi Yamashita, Associate Professor, Kanazawa University, Japan |
10:55-11:20 |
Title: Lentiviral Delivery of Novel Fusion Protein IL12/FasTI for Cancer Immune/Gene Therapy Dr. Yanzhang Wei, Professor, Clemson University, USA |
11:20-11:45 |
Title: Translocation of Non-interacting HeteropolymersBased on Coarse-grained StericModels Dr. Jose A. Velez-Perez, Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México, México |
11:45-12:10 |
Title: TBD Dr.Purnima Kaul Tiku, Senior Principal Scientist, Department of Protein Chemistry and Technology, CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, India |
Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch) |
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