BIT's 12th Annual World Protein & Peptide Conference (PepCon-2019)
★ Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that BIT's 12th Anniversary of Protein & Peptide Conference (PepCon-2019), which will be held in Beijing, China during June 14-16, 2019. This international event will focus on the foremost research in proteinand peptide science with the theme " From Scientific Breakthroughs to Novel Applications".

PepCon, as one of the BIT's branded conferences, had been successfully organized in Miami, Fukuoka, Beijing, Seoul, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Dalian and Nanjing. To update the frontiers of Life Sciences and Industrial Biotechnology PepCon-2019 comes back to Beijing, China. We believe worldwide scientists andbiotech entrepreneurs in Bioscientific fields will create huge opportunities for the famous Chinese City by showcasing the growth and breakthroughin protein science at a time when so many new therapies and diagnosticevaluations are available. The conference has broaden public supportand has the additional goal of spreading and increasing the understandingof modern biological knowledge among the lay public. The ideaexchanges are always helpful for generating positive impact on propellingthe regional advancement of science and technology. Your sharingcommon interests in our community would definitely make contributions to improving the quality of life and accelerate the bio-economy growth by using Protein and Petide-based technologies for next wave health industry of revolution.

Beijing, also known as Peking, is the capital of the People's Republic of China, is the center of National politics, culture, transport, tourism and international exchanges.Beijing is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. It has been the heart of China’s history for centuries, and there is scarcely a major building of any age in Beijing that does not have at least some national historical significance. The city is renowned for its opulent palaces, temples, and huge stone walls and gates. Its art treasures and universities have long made it a centre of culture and art in China.

We welcome you to Beijing to reveal the secrets of Protein-based research, frontiers of human proteomics, and biotechnological breakthroughs.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Xiaodan Mei
Executive Chair of PepCon-2019
President, BIT Group Global Ltd.
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News Release
● Call for Session Chairs, Speakers and Attendees
● Speaking Proposals are Now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now 
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
●Call for collaborative partners, medias and journals
Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

Official Travel Agency
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