★ Sponsorship Opportunity

Sponsorship provides a great means of broadening your competitive edge by improving your company's image, prestige and credibility by supporting events that your target market finds attractive. Sponsorship of events in particular can be especially effective as a marketing tool because it can be a means of accessing a wide range of audiences such as decision makers in business, government entities, and of course customers. It can be particularly beneficial for companies that take part in international trade, because sponsorship transcends cultural and language barriers.

In addition, sponsoring an event is actually just advertising your company to the masses, who will support your products and services. Organizers always acknowledge the sponsors of an event by putting their names in the poster, which people can see. Sponsoring an event can be beneficial to new enterprises for its exposure. This conference offers a wide range of sponsoring categories for branding and highlighting your company in order to achieve the best publicity.



Price (USD)


Keynote Forum



1. One Speech Opportunity at Keynote Forum
2. Five Free Passes to All Programs 
3. Two Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceedings
4. Brochures Hand Out (Provided by Sponsor) in Conference Bag
5. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor’s Name, Logo and Link
6. Keynote Forum Backdrops Exposure for Sponsor’s Name and Logo


Welcome Banquet



1. Address by Representative before the Welcome Banquet (5-10 minutes)
2. Broadcast Advertising before the Welcome Banquet (30 minutes)
3. Five Free Passes to All Programs and Exhibition
4. Two Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceedings
5. Brochures Hand Out (Provided by Sponsor) in Conference Bag
6. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor’s Name, Logo and Link
7. Welcome Banquet Backdrops Exposure for Sponsor’s Name and Logo


Coffee Break



1. Advertisement Board in Coffee Break Area (Designed and Printed by Sponsor)
2. Table and Chair for Brochures Hand Out
3. Two Free Passes to All Programs and Exhibition
4. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceedings
5. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor’s Name, Logo and Link


Parallel Session



1. One Speech Opportunity at Sponsored Session
2. Advertisement Board in Sponsored Session (Designed and Printed by Sponsor)
3. Three Free Passes to All Programs and Exhibition
4. One Color Page of Insert Advertisement in Conference Proceedings
5. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor’s Name, Logo and Link
6. Session Backdrops Exposure for Sponsor’s Name and Logo


Conference Proceeding



1. Inside Front Cover of Conference Proceedings
2. Three Free Passes to All Programs and Exhibition
3. Conference Website Exposure for Sponsor’s Name, Logo and Link




Quick Registration
Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society
Chinese Talent Program
Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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